This week we welcomed Daisy, a 6th Form student from a local school, to take part in some work experience, and to learn more about what it's like to work in educational publishing. We really loved having Daisy in the office, and she did a great job taking on everything we threw at her, whilst also asking intelligent questions and making thoughtful suggestions. Here’s what she had to say:

I’m currently studying in my first year of A Levels, after which I hope to study English Literature at university. Beyond that, I’m considering a career in publishing, and so I was keen to spend some time in a local publishing company to learn more about what that might involve. My passions are particularly in literature, poetry, and drama, but I’m also keen to explore other areas within the publishing industry to see what else is out there. So Orso Publishing—which deals with educational rather than literary publishing—seemed like a great place to do that.
The knowledgeable, accommodating staff have certainly allowed me to achieve this. From in-depth proofreading to creating visuals for an educational video, I was able to gain experience in a range of aspects that might come with working as an editor in creative publishing. Additionally, I checked scripts for plagiarism, reviewed proofs for issues relating to diversity and inclusion, and developed a better overall understanding of the editing and publishing process, as well as the wider industry as a whole.
My personal favourite, and the most enjoyable aspect, was editing and finalising an informative science video that will be released and used by future students! Since working at Orso, my ability (and confidence) in fundamental editorial techniques have improved, alongside renewed enthusiasm for further experience and work in the industry. This could not have been possible without the support from the approachable staff members, always eager to help whilst encouraging my independence and perseverance, who made me feel apart of the team.
To anyone else who’s in a similar position to me, and still deciding where they’d like their career to take them, I’d definitely recommend trying out work experience in educational publishing!
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